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To get you started, we want to make sure you first understand the industry requirements that apply to business messaging.
Messaging Industry Requirements
The following industry requirements will apply to all email-texting accounts.
Important Info to Know
Messaging industry standards only allow you to message your verified cell phone during your free trial. If you would like to be able to message your team members during your trial, please schedule a meeting with us and we’ll consider some options for your specific needs. When you convert to a paid plan, you will be able to message any mobile number that has opted in to receive your messages.
Message Content Standards
Email-Texting is a business messaging platform and your messaging communication must adhere to industry standards.
- SHAFT-C content is prohibited at all times, including Sex, Hate, Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco and Cannabis.
- Your message content must be consistent with your defined Use Case. If the messaging aggregator or mobile carriers determine that the messages you send are not within the Use Case of your business, your sending number could be red-flagged and the carriers will block delivery of your messages. Your campaign or verification could be suspended or revoked. For example, if your use case is “Customer Care”, you can’t also send marketing or political messages from that phone number.
- Your messages must be ‘wanted’. Your recipients must opt-in to receive your messages and you must honor their opt-out requests.
Messaging Campaign or Toll Free Verification
You’ll need to prepare in advance in order to convert to a paid plan. While you’re still in your trial period, you’ll need to consider starting the prerequisites that all messaging platforms require. Otherwise, you may experience a delay in starting email-texting for your company.
Messaging from Local Numbers: To convert to a paid plan, your business must qualify for a messaging campaign from The Campaign Registry (TCR). Because it takes 5 – 10 business days for campaign approval, we recommend that you begin the campaign process two weeks before you intend to switch to a paid plan. Your business website must pass a review from the messaging aggregator and it is likely you will need to update areas of your website to prepare for this review. Learn more in our article 10DLC Messaging Compliance.
Messaging from Toll Free Numbers: To convert to a paid plan, your business must submit your toll free messaging number through the Toll Free Verification process. You must also complete the website pre-requisites to qualify. Because it takes 5 – 7 business days to receive Toll Free Verification approval, we recommend that you submit your number for verification two weeks before you intend to switch to a paid plan. Learn more in our article Toll Free Verification Messaging Compliance.
For either method of compliance, your business must provide a valid US Federal Employee ID Number (EIN) or a Canadian Business Number (BN). If you file taxes under any other identifying number (like a US Social Security Number), you cannot qualify. The vetting process will compare your Legal Company Name and EIN (or BN) with what is on file with the US or Canadian government. Any discrepancies may result in a rejection.
Website Pre-Requisites
To receive campaign or toll free verification approval, your business website must pass the messaging aggregator’s campaign review. It is very likely you will need to make modifications to your business website to meet these requirements. For example:
- You must have an easy-to-find Privacy Policy.
- Your Privacy Policy must contain specific language, such as declaring how you will protect the mobile information you collect, and that you will not share messaging consent, in addition to other requirements.
- Any method you use on your website to collect a phone number for messaging must involve a consent procedure.
- Any SHAFT-C content on your website will cause your campaign to be rejected.
Learn more here.
Messaging compliance
Learn more about industry standards for business messaging…

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We’ll discuss your texting needs, and together, we’ll find the optimum solution that works for your business.
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